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Fields, Forest, & Falls Trail Race

Fields, Forest, & Falls Trail Race - 2018 Results & Photos Salt Springs State Park, Montrose PA

Video By Confluence Running

September 1st, 2018 - (MONTROSE, PA) - Runners participated in the Fields, Forest, & Falls Trail Race at Salt Springs State Park located in Montrose, Pennsylvania. The Fields, Forest, & Falls Trail Race at Salt Springs State Park is a “running” success. This year Trail Runners participated either in a 5K or a 10K, a welcomed changed from the 2.5 and 5 mile courses in the past. The 5K was a more forgiving course. The 10K showcased a beast. The 10K course followed trails that were steeper in gradient and far more technical.

ESR Racing Team Coach Chris Cowden Pacing Elizabeth

Rachel Johnson, director of the Halloween 13k & ESR Racer

Foot placement was a difficult part at the Salt Springs Trail Race. Sure footing is very important in trail running. By confidently placing a foot down, whether it is on a rock, dirt, root, fallen tree, or grass, trail runners can push harder and faster with each step during the race.

Chipmunk on the Salt Springs State Park Trail Race Course

Some wildlife [Chipmunk] on the Salt Springs State Park Trail Race Course

The Fields, Forest, and Falls trail race at Salt Springs Pennsylvania State Park is a personal favorite for many. Runners of all types and ages ranging from age 12 to age 76 participated. There were many experienced trail runners, such as Chris Cowden of Montrose Pennsylvania, who has completed the most difficult USA track and field 50 mile championships at Cayuga Trails in Robert Treman State Park in Ithaca, to a runner who has participated in the Color Run at Broome Community College in Binghamton New York and wanted to try something different.

Cindy Bilsky of Binghamton, New York wearing a Southern Tier Runners Club Singlet

Triple Cities Runners Club (TCRC) Legend Harland Bigelow

Top prizes were given to participants in each age group as well as those participants and runners who were the muddiest and some who even drew some blood. Gazelle Timing, headquartered at the Vestal Coal House in Vestal New York, provided the timing services for Salt Springs. Brian Cupp and Andy Mushalla provided a wonderful experience and even included a station for runners to print out their finishing times. The top male 5k & 10k participants were Lewis Row & Michael Silby. The top female 5k & 10k runners were Morgan Gorman & Jennifer Boerner.

Winner of the Salt Springs 5k Lewis Row

The Salt Springs Celebration occurs every Labor Day Weekend and is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Friends of Salt Springs State Park. The proceeds go to maintaining such a beautiful location. Registration fees not only help with the fundraising, but so do many of the generous sponsors, including donated items to the Celebration’s silent auction.

Chris Welch, owner of Biomechanical company Zenolink, running in the 10k trail race

Runners participated in the trail race from regional locations such as Ithaca and Corning, as well as national locations such as North Carolina and Maryland. Salt Springs Forest, Fields, and Falls Trail Race provides the need for trail racing in the Triple Cities area. It is one of the only trail races within the Greater Binghamton area.

Binghamton Area Trail Runners Shirt at Salt Springs

Interview with Fields, Forest, and Falls Co-Race Director, Diana Bean

Confluence Running: “How did you start this race?”

Diana Bean: Every Labor Day Weekend is the Celebration. This is the Friends of Salt Springs major fundraiser and it’s a day long event. And I had just started looking at trail races in the area and said you know what, this is a great park it needs a trail race, there are no trail races in this area, you have to travel to the Finger Lakes or the next county over in Pennsylvania to get good trail races. So I asked the board, and they said, sure go ahead. And thus, it was born. I mentioned it to somebody and they said you should talk to Phil Maynard, he likes to run at the park, and so Phil Maynard is the Co-Race Director. He is responsible for today’s 10k. Which was a resounding success.

Confluence Running: “So this is the first year of the 5k and the 10k?”

Diana Bean: Yes. Before it was like a 2.5 and a 5.5 mile course, simply because that’s the way the lay of the land was. And we decided that we would like to up it to a 5k and 10k. And after exploring some of the outer trails, the ones that are not used as much, we came up with the 5k and the 10k.

Confluence Running: “Two weeks ago there was a big storm. What was running through your head at that point in time?”

Diana Bean: Whether we would actually have a park to have an event in. It wasn’t so much worry about the trails as it was would there be a place to park, because the parking lot and the pavilion where we are standing were just washed away. The footbridge was washed away, that we were going to start the race on. As a matter of fact, we had a new starting area for the race and that was washed away. After the flooding subsided and the state brought in heavy equipment for about four or five days and did a lot of the big work. Then the volunteers came in and we had a big cleanup day. Everyday work was being done and every day I walked a portion of the trails, came up with some alternatives, but, in the end, Phil groomed the border trail, and made that usable again because that had a big rock slide on it. And we were able to go back to the original 5k and 10k that we had planned on. It was touch and go for a while.

Confluence Running: “What was some of the feedback that you were hearing today about the race?”

Diana Bean: I was really nervous. I was nervous about somebody getting hurt, like seriously hurt, and I did not hear one bad thing. People were just so excited for the 10k and they said it’s really a high level 10k trail race, very technical, they were just thrilled with it. I didn’t hear anything bad about it. And I’m really happy about that. As I said in the beginning, if you like [the 10k], Phil gets the credit, if you hate it, Phil gets the blame. But it was all credit to him.

Confluence Running: “Anything else you’d like to add?”

Diana Bean: I hope that we’ll be able to continue to grow this race. We’ve got room for more participants, the trails can take some more runners. There’s not that many trail races to easy access in the Triple Cities area, in my opinion, and it’s a great park and a great way to help support the park is to come out and run.

Confluence Running: “Thank you”

Diana Bean: Thank you.



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